Seclog - 10
Spotlight: NuclearPond, AWS Security Incident Response Guide, The Auto Industry hacks, CircleCI security, HTTPS \w carrier pigeons, etc.
Bypass ProtonVPN macOS Certificate Pinning with Proxyman and Frida | Markuta
Michael Tsai - Blog - Apple Platform Security Guide (May 2022)
Comby · Structural code search and replace for ~every language.
The rise of security engineering and how it is changing the cybersecurity of tomorrow
CVE-2022-46164 Account takeover via prototype vulnerability in NodeBB · The Grey Corner
EGREGIOUS MAGE — N-Day RCE Exploit for ZDI-17-836 (CVE-2017-12561)
CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI
How well did Israel’s cybersecurity industry do in 2022? | TechCrunch
Updated whitepaper available: AWS Security Incident Response Guide | AWS Security Blog
The State of Cybersecurity in 2022 and Trends and Predictions for 2023
Bypass firewalls with of-CORs and typo-squatting - Truffle Security
Ongoing Flipper Zero phishing attacks target infosec community
Decrypting TLS browser traffic with Wireshark · Embrace The Red
CoolerVoid/Mosca: Manual search tool to find bugs like a grep unix command - Beta
mttaggart/security-tools: A very opinionated list of security tools
trailofbits/abi3audit: Scans Python packages for abi3 violations and inconsistencies
aws-samples/hardeneks: Runs checks to see if an EKS cluster follows EKS Best Practices.
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